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How to make long lasting hires

How to make long lasting hires

When looking for new employees it is important to find someone who will not just be perfect for the role but someone who will be a valuable asset to the organisation for a long time. 

So how can you increase your chances of hiring someone who is likely to stay with the company for five or more?

Efficient recruitment process

It can be more expensive to operate a low budget recruitment process than to operate one on a high budget recruitment. A low budget recruitment process has an increased chance of hiring the wrong candidate for the vacancy, which means you might need to repeat the process a few months down the line. More investment in the recruitment process will be more cost effective in the long-term as it increases the likelihood of finding right candidate.

Look beyond skills

Identifying a candidate with the correct skills is important. However understanding their personality and career goals are equally important.

When looking for potential employees you should consider the answers to the following questions:

  • Do they have the commitment to remain within the same role for longer than 24 months? 
  • Are they likely to change their aspirations?
  • Will they fit in with rest of the team and company culture?


Employing a candidate should be a long term investment. You may discover a candidate who has every skill required but not the commitment to remain within the role for a substantial amount of time, whereas a candidate who may be missing a few skills but has the commitment to remain within the role might be a more suitable choice. 

Company culture 

Identifying the company culture is an important process of finding an employee who is likely to remain with the organisation for a substantial amount of time.

Our consultants emphasise the importance to find a candidate of fits the vacancy and the organisation as employees can become demoralised and disillusioned with their career when the organisation has different goals and methods of working to them.

Not only will an unhappy worker be more likely to leave, they can also create a negative working environment, affecting team productivity and cause others to move jobs.


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